School Program
External Assessment
Support us
FOUNDATION CHILD (‘Stichting’ Child) was founded and registered at Blaricum, The Netherlands, on 18th January 1996 (Chamber of Commerce registration no. 41194865), is a The Netherlands’ officially registered charity (tax registration no. 805107344). The board members of CHILD do not receive any payment or allowances.
1. Aims
CHILD aims to increase chances for optimal development and good health of vulnerable children in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania. It focuses on financially supporting education of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) at primary and secondary school level and, when needed, in higher education, i.e. college and university.
2. History
From 2003, more effective presence of national and international Aids programs in Tanzania, allowed CHILD to broaden its activities from providing care and education of Aids orphans to education of vulnerable and poor children in general. To guarantee continuation of schooling of supported children, CHILD executes sound financial control, supervision and direct contact with schools.
Execution of the schoolprogram Mr. Hans Baart, member of CHILD’s board and director of “Multiflower Ltd” (MF, Arusha), stepped back as board member and took from 2014 onwards responsibility to supervise the execution of CHILD’s school program by selected senior MF-staff Nahum Mosha, Irene Lazier, Eline Masawe and Sakina Sheshe.
Corporate Responsibility MF’s execution of the CHILD schoolproject fits the by the Tanzania government propagated ‘Corporate Responsibility’ of commercial enterprises operating in Tanzania perfectly.
3. School Program
Contact with schools is by e-mail or “Dropbox”, with a visit of each school by MF-staff in a two-year period. CHILD aims at an optimal contact, including communication how pupils do and progress. School visits by senior MF-staff, with Shem Meyasi as driver, offer an impression of schools in general and offer a possibility for MF-staff to directly talk to CHILD-supported pupils.
Certificate of appreciation and Payment to schools
During 2020, Tanzania government regulations on financial support necessitated a different payment system. Payments for pupils into the bankaccount of schools can only be done if approved by the District Education Office (DEO). For this schools need certification from the DEO. Initially, MF senior staff members had to complete the very time consuming task of obtaining ‘certificates of appreciation’ for each school individually, primary, secondary and schools for A-level education. Apart from dealing with each school, it ment dealing with DEO’s in 6 districts to get the process of certification done! Certificates need to be updated yearly.
Of CHILD foundation’s total income, 97,5% is directly used for education. Our overhead costs are at the best possible minimum. In 2022, the cost of schooling at primary level (Standard 1-7) is around € 70 and at secondary level (Form I-IV) € 90.-. An ‘advanced student’ (following A-level in Form V-VI or college education) costs around € 200.- per year, depending on need for boarding. Included in the costs for schooling is approximately 12.5% costs per pupil to execute the program, mainly caused by two-yearly school visits of MF-staff. We intend to keep the average expenditure per pupil at € 90.- annually.
4. Output
In Tanzania, the school year for primary (Standard 1-7) and secondary education (Form I-IV) starts in January. Two-year courses leading up to A-level (‘advanced students’, Form V-VI) start in July and finish in May. The year for college and university begins in August/September. In 2023, CHILD supported 300 pupils, 84 (Standard I-VII) in primary schools, 198 pupils (Form I-IV) in secondary schools and 18 ‘advanced students’, 12 following A-level (Form V-VI) and 6 college education. The A-level certificate, obtained after successful completion of Form VI, offers entrance to university.
5. Planning
Like many relatively small and education-focused charities, CHILD is faced with a decreasing income trend and has to cut expenses. Therefore, in stead of a total of approximately 500 in previous years, we have to support less pupils. For the years 2023-2025 it will not be more than 300. Too, for the coming years, we aim at a somewhat lower number of schools, preferably located more closely together. This will facilitate school visits by the MF-staf.
The three-year lasting university scholarships, which started in the academic year 2018-2019, ceased in 2020-2021. Remaining funds have been reserved for support of college students.
6. External assessment
The Dutch daily newspaper “Trouw” classified CHILD in the top 50 of all The Netherlands’ charities. Considering the total number of 800 charities that were assessed, CHILD was within the 3% best.
On 1 september 2016, already having The Netherlands’ charity (“ANBI”) status for many years, CHILD was also awarded “Recognised Charity” status by the independent Central Bureau for Fund Raising (CBF) and allowed to carry the CBF logo in CHILD’s communications. Each year, CHILD did fulfill all CBF criteria and aims to continue that.
7. DONATE your contribution for schooling of orphans and other vulnerable children to: NL 43 RABO 0308423003, CHILD, Almere. To school ONE PUPIL is averagely costing €90,- per year. Please, state your e-mail address in the bank transfer.
Board of CHILD, March 8, 2023
Rob Moot, MBA, treasurer
Jaap Mulder, MD, chairman
Henk Stokking, BSc, member
Jules Tolboom, MD, PhD, secretary
At present, treasurer Rob Moot is in charge of fundraising, until a successor has been identified.